Russell & Hill, PLLC

Can Slip And Fall Accident Attorney Help You To Recover Financially?

Posted on March 6, 2020Posted By Russell Hill

Nobody wants to get injured on somebody else’s property. Unfortunately, there are times when property owners or their employees allow slip and fall conditions to rise. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we are ready to help if you or somebody you care about needs a slip and fall attorney in Spokane. We will investigate your claim and work to secure any compensation you are entitled to.


The National Floor Safety Institute says that slip and fall incidents result in over one million hospital emergency room visits each year. These incidents occur in a variety of ways, and they are often preventable. Some of the most common causes slip and fall incidents, all of which property owners and employees could prevent, include the following:

  • Leaks or spills on the floor that are not promptly cleaned
  • Wet entryways to buildings
  • No “wet floor” signs after mopping
  • Uneven walking surfaces
  • Loose floor material or carpeting
  • Low-lying obstacles that could be tripping hazards

When property owners fail in their duty to keep invitees and licensees safe, they could be held accountable for any injuries and damages that occur due to slip and fall incidents.


It can be notoriously difficult to recover compensation after a slip and fall accident. That is because property owners and their insurance carriers do not usually admit fault, and they will put up a fight when it comes to paying any settlement.

A Spokane slip and fall attorney will be by your side to thoroughly investigate every aspect of your case. Your attorney will have the resources and experience needed to:

  • obtain all evidence related to the incident, including video and photo surveillance, accident reports, eyewitness statements, and more.
  • work with a trusted healthcare professional who can properly assess your injuries to determine how much medical treatment you will need.
  • negotiate with all parties involved in order to secure the compensation that is fair for all of your slip and fall injury expenses.

Insurance carriers and legal teams of the at-fault party are much more likely to offer you a fair financial settlement when you have a skilled Spokane slip and fall attorney by your side.


If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury in a slip and fall incident on another person’s property, you may need to seek legal assistance. Property owners have a duty to keep their patrons safe. At Russell & Hill, PLLC, we are going to investigate what happened to determine whether you are entitled to any of the following:

  • Compensation for your slip and fall medical bills
  • Lost wages if you are unable to work while you recover
  • General household expenses
  • Possible physical therapy expenses
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the property owner

If you need a slip and fall attorney in Spokane, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 800-529-0842.

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